SusHub Latest Questions
How can fashion companies use carbon offsets as a way to mitigate their greenhouse gas emissions and achieve carbon neutrality? Is this a socially accepted and widely adopted route to carbon neutrality?
Sourcing sustainable energy supplies can be a challenge for suppliers, especially those based in developing countries. What can retailers do to better support suppliers in transitioning to more sustainable energy in a pragmatic, long-term way?
In what way can fashion producers influence the shift towards more sustainable, more environmentally and ethically conscious consumption, whilst remaining economically competitive?
What are some of the basic practices a fashion retailer can easily adopt to become more sustainable? What practices have other brands adopted that are pragmatic, cost-efftective and easy to implement?
What are some practical design tips for designing more durable, long-lived clothes?
What fabrics and materials are fashion brands readily adopt to become more sustainable?
Are there any specific technologies and best practices to help in this area?
What are the different methods for recycling clothes and which are the most sustainable, cost-effective, and accessible?
As producers and consumers, which fabrics should we avoid using?